Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Literary Hero:
Iron man is a hero because he helps others. He goes out and tries to protect his country. He fights against the enemies that try to hurt his country. Iron man is courageous and very intelligent. He was able to build his own suit to break free after he was captured. A lot of people look up to him for being the hero that he is.

Personal Hero:
My favorite hero would be my dad. He has been my hero since the day I was born. In my eyes he is the strongest and smartest person I know. My dad knows how to deal with anything that comes his way and take it like a man. I don't believe that I have ever seen him scared. He has held my hand through everything in my life. I still look up to him till this day. He is my hero for now and forever.

Popular Hero:
A hero that I don't know personally would be soldiers in Iraq. They are very brave to be fighting for our country. Soldiers just want to do what is best for their country. Their job is to make sure that all of us are safe. They are basically protectors of the country. They try their best to keep the bad guys from getting to us. They are the true heroes of America.

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