Monday, December 6, 2010

Shawshank Redemption

The movie plot went along with the plot of the short story. They pretty much had all the key parts the same. There were a little bit of differences but not significant differences. I really enjoyed the movie. I will admit that it did make me tear up when Brooks, the cute little old man, hung himself...Anyway, the movie was good. It's definitly a movie that I will watch again soon. It was just fascinating through the whole thing. I never found myself bored during the movie.

Point of View 
The point of view was the same as the short story. It came from a guy named Red, a fellow inmate. He observed the man named Andy Dufresne. The point of view made the movie that much better. It was as if we were watching and observing Andy as well. The second person point of view helped to put things into perspective. It is, after all, what the book did as well. I think that it is what makes the book and movie so good. It gives it better quality and it makes for better entertainment.

The characterization is the same as the story as well. The characterization of the story matches what the movie has pretty well. They are almost identical. There are some differences but they aren't really significant. The characters couldn't have been more right for this story. Each character is different in their own ways. They make the story that much better. I couldn't have read/watched a better story. Everything from the characters to the plot interested me.

The setting was at a prison. Both the story and movie have the same setting. The name of the prison is actually Shawshank. That being why the title of the story is "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" or simply just "Shawshank Redemption." In the short story I had some great trouble trying to picture what the prison looked like. When I watched the movie it just fascinated me what a prison looked like inside. I'm not going to doesn't look like too much fun. I personally would not want to be in one of those cells...those poor, poor, poor fellas! Guess they deserved it though, except Andy.

The theme of the story was probably the best one I have ever read. I haven't read many but this had my two favorite subjects in them: Murder and Prison Life! I love the theme of murder because every murderer is different and does things in different ways. No two murders are the same. Murder and Prison Life being part of the theme I had no problem sitting down and reading/watching about it. The theme of the story and the movie were the same. They would have to be...that's why they made a movie of the story. I think that the movie did a great job of following along with short story. The two were almost indentical but they did have some slim differences that weren't too major.

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